Know Your Farmers - Know Your Food



Doug is a full time dairy farmer. He puts in the hours 24/7/365. When he is at the farm, you will catch him feeding, milking, working in the hay/corn, putting up silage, fencing, in the processing plant, being the farm handy man, or working on any other task that needs to be completed. If he can’t be found on the farm, he is likely to be out delivering. He is the brains behind this business and we could not do it without him.

You may have noticed the Homegrown by Heros logo on our milk labels. Doug served in the United States Navy as a corpsman. During his enlistment, he was assigned to a marine division that went to the Middle East during Operation Desert Storm/Gulf War.



Genelle is a kindergarten teacher at Highland Elementary where she just finished up her 26th year teaching. Genelle is the face you meet at farmers markets.


Ally’s love for agriculture began at the age of 9 when she bought her first 4-H heifer Rocky Road Phoenix Leah (or as most of you know her as Bella, or Leah Torpedo). She grew up showing Brown Swiss at county fairs, district shows, and expos around the state as well as national shows. Ally was very active in the Barren County 4-H Moo Crew where she held the office of president for a few years. In 2015, she represented Kentucky at the National 4-H Dairy Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. In 2016, she was a member of the Kentucky State 4-H Dairy Judging Team where she travelled to the All American Dairy Show and World Dairy Expo to compete.

Currently, Ally is the Marketing Assistant at the Grayson County Extension Office in Leitchfield, but stays very involved in all things marketing and sales for Legacy.


Jagger just finished his sophomore year at SKYCTC. His brain is full of lots of random sports trivia and facts. In his spare time, he loves playing x-box.

On processing days, he helps bottling and delivering milk. He enjoys feeding the cows.

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